Hurricane Sandy is being called the storm of the century, the perfect storm and a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon. It tore through seventeen states leaving more than 8 million people without power, transit infrastructures crippled, towns and cities flooded, burned and buried in snow, and the New York Stock Exchange shut down for two unprecedented days. But amongst this chaos, Benelogic remained opened to ensure their clients benefits enrollment data was successfully captured and transmitted to their insurance carriers during the height of open enrollment season.
As county, city and state officials were executing evacuation orders and declaring state of emergencies, Benelogic calmly put their emergency plan in place. Respecting city and state mandatory travel restrictions, employees were advised to hunker down at home and work remotely during the storm.
Our data center is powered by two separate power grids. This means if power is lost to one grid, the other one takes over ensuring we stay up and running. In addition to reliable power, Benelogic’s phone system provides remote support. In the event employees are not able to be in the office, they can offer the same level of service from the comfort of their homes. Without missing a beat, Benelogic processed hundreds of online and phone transactions during Hurricane Sandy. Our top priorities are the safety of our staff and service to our clients. We’re continually refining our emergency plans to ensure these priorities are met. And we’re fortunate our technological infrastructure allows us to remain open when others cannot. While others begin the devastating post storm clean up, Benelogic continues with business as usual.