
There’s still time to team with Benelogic for open enrollment

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

If you’re starting to look towards plan renewal and open enrollment prep and have that familiar panicked feeling – take a deep breath. There’s still plenty of time to go online, switch from paper, or change benefit administration providers before open enrollment.

Benelogic can get you up and running in as little as 60 days.

In the past, we’ve had companies wonder how we can get a group online so quickly, so we’ll let you in on our secret.

It’s not exactly a secret. It’s experience.

Online benefits enrollment is all that we do. We are really, really good at it. With over 20 years experience as a leader in the industry, we have carefully honed our methods by continuously evaluating our processes and applying lessons learned. Our team members have seen and done it all, running every implementation and renewal using our tried and true playbook.

And let’s talk about that team for a moment.

First, we assign a project manager to ensure that you get routine updates and the entire working team stays on the same page. Our goal is to do the work well, but also quickly. Everyone on the implementation or renewal team is empowered to escalate up, down and sideways so that issues are resolved fast and efficiently.

Second, the implementation and renewal team is the same as the ongoing account management team. There is no learning curve or hand off issues as you progress from onboarding to ongoing management.

Third, our system integration engineers and data exchange business analysts work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure data flows smoothly on the back end.

Lastly, because we’ve been around the block a few times, we know how to schedule and stagger tasks to meet your target goal of open enrollment. We are organized, methodical, and fast. We don’t cut corners, but we don’t waste any time either.

It's the middle of June, but there is still plenty of time to get on the system for your online open enrollment. Contact Benelogic today to get started.
